7 Ways of Email Advertising That Can Drive Traffic

The Email Advertising allows you to reach your target audience directly in their inboxes. And that can generate  incredible performance up to 3800%The number of email users worldwide is forecasted to rise to 2.9 billion users by 2019. (Source: Statista, 2016)
But create an email advertising campaign can be frustrating if you fear that the lack of design skills prevents you to obtain the desired results. Fortunately, you must not be a designer to create emails.
Let us take a look at 7 ways to help you create emails great and to earn your business in more revenue online.

Why Add Photos That Support Your Message to promote

The photos are a great way to attract the attention of readers and break the blocks of text in your emails.
The photos are good to use, but you can spend your emails to the next level by adding personalized photos or screenshots that back up your message. You can even use photos to highlight the articles on your website and give readers an idea of what they can expect to find on your site. 

email advertising

Use Colors that Support Branding Secrets You Never Knew

When you choose colors for your emails, it is important to think about your brand image.
If the colors of the signature of your business are blue and green, for example, you must integrate these hues in your emails. This is an excellent way to promote a consistent brand, and this may help readers to recognize your business.
It is also important to remember that the colors can be emotive, and some colors can trigger feelings specific. You can therefore use the color to emphasize specific points in your emails.

 The Secret of Limit Your Fonts

As a general rule, paste, with a maximum of two fonts in your emails - one for the titles and sub-titles and another for the copy of the body.
This will give your emails a net finishing and will prevent the feel confusing or overwhelming.
The standard fonts such as Arial, Times New Roman, Tahoma, Verdana, courier and Georgia are perfect for readability. Although you can experiment with other fonts, it is important to remember that the computers of your recipients may not take in charge the options less used.

Want to create emails that earn you more leads and revenue?
We can help.

Why Include Videos in Your "Email Advertising"?


The addition of videos in your emails can increase by 60% the rate of clicks!
If your company is already creating the video, you can have a few documents that correspond to your subjects of email advertising. And otherwise, the videos are fairly easy to create with equipment and minimal resources.
The addition of videos in your emails is an excellent way to engage readers and to provide them with important information about your products and services.

Why Don't Forget Calls To Action Succeeds

At the time where the people end to read your emails, they should know what you want that they do then.
Do you want the readers to visit your website? Subscribe to your blog? To contact you for more information? Let us know! www.digitalmarketingnation.com
The calls to action are used of cards that allow readers to take action. And include in your email can help you obtain the best return on investment of your campaigns.

The Secret Of Make Your Emails Scannable 

A lot of people accessing their email on the move, and they may not have the time to fully read your emails.
This means that you must make your emails scannables so that readers can easily find on the tricks the most important.
The use of headers and bullet points can help to emphasize the key information and to guide readers through your emails. You will also want to keep your short paragraphs so that people are not pasted by reading large blocks of text.

Make Sure Your Designs Look Good On Mobile

Finally, you will want to ensure that your designs of email are great on mobile devices. This is extremely important because more than half of the emails are opened on the mobile devices.
Sometimes, the designs that have the air super on the Office eventually appear squished and overlooked on mobile devices.

The Platforms of marketing by email as MyEmailFX allow you to preview your designs on desktop computers and mobile devices so that you can be sure that your emails superb, regardless of what the Recipients use for the view.

    Author: Mohammad Aaish Zubair

                               Seo Expert of Digital Marketing Nation

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